First Presbyterian Church

Eco Team
Mission Statement
The mission of the ECO-Team is to make a difference with the First Presbyterian Faith community and beyond,
1) by transforming attitudes and commitments, and
2) by embracing concrete actions that
reduce human ecological impact on the earth and contribute to justice for
people affected by ecological degradation.

The ECO-Team Banner, designed in 2011, has been used in Earth Day parades, the Blessing of the Animals, and at many FPC church functions.

First Presbyterian Church is proud to be a certified Earth Care Congregation of the PCUSA. Meeting requirements in the areas of Worship, Education, Facilities and Outreach.

First Presbyterian Church became a recognized member of the Presbyterian Hunger Program of the PCUSA in 2018. We continue to advocate locally and around the world for those who need food and resources.
Eco Team Activities
1. Adult Education Classes - Leadership of annual "Earth Care Forum" in January. Click here for 2021 topics and links to videos!
2. Earth Day—The ECO-Team participates in the annual Lawrence Earth Day Parade and sponsors a booth which includes chemistry demonstrations, activities for children, and provides educational materials.
3. ECO-Trek- In the spring and fall, trips are held for all ages. Recent trips have been to the KU Field Station, Baldwin Woods, and the Wakarusa Wetlands. These opportunities are open to all and not limited to FPC members.
4. Fellowship Hour—ECO-Team hosts this several times a year with healthy snacks in Fellowship Hall.
5. FPC Annual Picnic—The ECO-Team joins with the Fellowship committee to promote eco-friendly use of table service, composting, and to encourage members to be more mindful of their impact.
6. Christmas Tree Trimming—Eco-friendly natural decorations are used on the trees during Advent. A new theme is used each year.
7. LET-US—The ECO-Team is one of the original members of the Lawrence Ecology Teams United for Sustainability (LET-US). This emerging interfaith network of faith community “green teams” includes in its mission the education and advocacy of earth/biosphere care.
8. Pollinator Garden - The establishment of a pollinator garden at the church with the help of a grant from Monarch Watch. Team members and church members maintain the garden each year to attract a wide variety of pollinators.
9. Theologian in Residence/Visiting Scholar in Religion—The ECO-Team co-sponsors acclaimed speakers for presentations on issues of faith and questions of religion, environmental ethics, and science. This is in collaboration with other faith communities and related departments at the University of Kansas.
10. Provide Support for First 5 Years Program and Sunday School Activities