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The Kids Day Out (KDO) and preschool programs have a balance of teacher directed and child initiated activities. There are several opportunities for children to play and work independently as well as learning to follow directions.


Kids Day Out


KDO is for children who are one-year-old (and walking well) to three years old. Your child does not have to be potty trained to attend KDO. Parents have a choice of how many and which days they would like their child to attend.
KDO days and hours are:
Beginning with the 2019 - 2020 school year all KDO rooms (One year old, 2 to 2.5, and 2.5 to 3 year old) are offered - Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 12:00 pm



Our program offers Beginner and Pre-K classes. If your child is 3 years old and potty trained they may enroll in one of our Beginner classes. If your child is 4 - 5 years old and potty trained, they may enroll in one of our Pre-K classes. Both classes are offered on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Both the KDO and Preschool programs follow the Lawrence Public School calendar and run from Mid-August to Mid-May.


Before School Care

We offer an early drop off program, Before School Care, Monday through Friday from 8:30-9:00. Children must be at least 2.5 years old and potty trained to enroll in Before School Care. Parents have a choice of how many and which days their child attends.

Lunch Bunch

We offer an extended day program, Lunch Bunch, Monday through Friday from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Children must be at least 3 years old and potty trained to enroll in Lunch Bunch. Parents have a choice of how many and which days their child attends. Children attending Lunch Bunch are required to bring a sack lunch to school.


Summer Camp

While our program does not meet in the summer, we do offer summer camp during the month of June. Summer camp is for children who are 3 to 5 years old and potty trained.




All Classrooms at First 5 Years offer lesson plans based on the needs and interest of each individual classroom of children. Kids Day Out teachers and preschool teachers plan together bi-monthly, therefore, the same subjects are being taught in like classrooms but forms of teaching may vary. Each classroom will experience circle time, snack time, story time, gross motor play, learning centers, art and music.

Children in the one-year-old room will be introduced to basic academics (colors, shapes, counting, etc.), social skills (sharing, taking turns, manners, etc.), and physical skills (balancing, hand washing, walking up and down stairs, picking up toys, etc.).

Children in the 2 and 2.5 year old classrooms are introduced to the alphabet and will do fun activities involving the letter of the week. We will also work on basic academics (counting, shapes, colors, etc.), social skills (sharing taking turns, listening in a group setting, following directions, expressing thoughts and feelings in an appropriate way, etc.), and physical skills (balancing, stacking blocks, walking up and down stairs, standing in line, putting toys away, etc.).

Letter of the Week


Each week we concentrate on a different letter of the alphabet in the KDO and preschool programs. We learn what it looks like, how it sounds, and how to write it (preschool rooms only). We also do several fun and interactive activities during the week that start with that letter.


Animated Alphabet

The Animated Alphabet curriculum is offered in our preschool rooms. Animated Alphabet is a comprehensive, multi-sensory approach to reading, writing, and oral language instruction that moves students from the earliest stages of literacy to fluency and independence in reading and writing. This curriculum is used in the Lawrence Public Schools.


Handwriting Without Tears

The Handwriting Without Tears curriculum is offered in our preschool rooms. The Handwriting Without Tears curriculum is designed to make handwriting easy to teach, and easy to learn, in just 15 minutes a day. It involves several hands on, fun, and engaging strategies to make handwriting an easy and automated skill.




Our Art program focuses on several different artists throughout the year. The childen will learn about these artists and mimic their style of art using several different art supplies and mediums. The art teacher will compile artwork from each child to display in the May art show. All classes attend the art program once a week.




Our music program introduces children to music, movement, and instruments from a variety of music genres and cultures. It is designed to promote expressionism and creativity through the use of instruments and songs, encourage movement and exploration, and provide a foundation for memorization and patterning. The 2.5 to 5 year old children will also practice and present an annual Christmas program for their families. All classes attend the music program once a week.


Our KDO and preschool classes offer several Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math activities during the week that are fun, engaging, and hands on.


Our Theater program will encourage students to work on self expression and social development, while developing their imaginations and self confidence. Children who are enrolled in our program 5 days a week will attend the Theater program once a week.

Christian Curriculum

Our preschool students will attend Chapel every Monday morning. During Chapel children may assist teachers in presenting a Bible story through song, book, or skit. Multiple times a year, the pastors of FPC present chapel topics to the students. Christian Curriculum is also incorporated in the KDO and preschool classrooms throughout the week with stories, prayer, coloring sheets, and songs.


In our KDO and preschool program your child will be taught the following concepts: God is the Creator who loves all of us; Jesus is God's Son who lives, loves us, and is our friend; prayer is an opportunity to talk to God at any time; the Bible helps us discover God through many stories; we should respect and love all people; and we should care for the world because it was made and given to us by God.


Special Occasions

Our KDO and preschool program celebrates Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kansas Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Easter. We also enjoy a pajama day and a special day for moms and dads.

We have several special visitors through the year. Some of these include: The Lawrence Fire Department, Growing Smiles Dentistry, Lawrence Police Department, Lawrence Sanitation Department, and the Douglas County Water Safety team.


Both programs attend 1 to 2 field trips per year. All field trips are parent attended.


Both programs will also participate in individual and class pictures. Parents will have the opportunity to purchase pictures as a keepsake.


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