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Tuition & Fees

Enrollment Fee 

There is an enrollment fee of $65.00 due at the time of enrollment.  This is a non-refundable fee.  The enrollment fee for the second child enrolled is $10.00.


There will be a $30.00 supply fee per semester due in August and January











































May tuition (final month) is due on Fee payment / Forms Day in August.


Tuition is due on the 1st school day of each month and considered late if not received by the 10th of each month. Tuition paid after that date will be assessed a $15 late fee. If we have not received tuition and late fee by the 15th of the month, a reminder notice will be sent home. If tuition and late fees are not paid by the 20th of the month your child may no longer attend preschool until all fees are paid or arrangements have been made. A returned check fee of $30.00 will be charged for each returned check. Receipts are given upon request.



Scholarships are available for preschool children. Scholarships are not available for KDO or Lunch Bunch. Our scholarship money depends completely on school fundraising during the school year. It is very limited. We can help with tuition to the extent of the funds available for each year. Scholarship applications and proof of income must be turned in to the Director by May 31 in order to be considered for the coming school year. Scholarships are awarded for the full school year. Notice of an award will be given on or before July 1 of the current year. In order to be considered for a scholarship, applicants must meet or be close to the Federal Government guidelines for federal assistance.



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